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Procurement Tenders

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Welcome to Procurement

Welcome to Procurement

Advice to Suppliers

The Procurement Section of the Diamond Internet provides details of our current Tender Opportunities and also Prior Information Notices (tender opportunities within the next 12 months).

Following changes to Procurement Legislation in 2015 we now require suppliers to complete a simple registration form to create an account. You will then receive an automatic email response with a unique password which will enable you register your interest against Prior Information Notices and Tenders and also automatically download tender documents.

Please note:

- You need to create an account in order to view and download the tender documents.
- You are only required to create an account once.

Please use the Register option on the left to complete this process.

If you would like to contact a member of the DLS Procurement Team our details are below:

Diamond Light Source Ltd
Diamond House
Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
Oxon, UK
OX11 0DE

Tel: +44 1235 567 575

For details of all notices with an estimated value of over £179,000.00 Please visit: http://www.find-a-tender.service.gov.uk
For details of other (Non-OJEU) tender opportunities, visit: https://www.gov.uk/contracts-finder
